
The "SmartLivingNEXT" technology programme consists of the flagship project "ForeSightNEXT - Platform for Data, Artificial Intelligence and Services in the Smart Living Ecosystem" and the so-called satellite projects, which relate to specific, practical smart living applications and are based on the structural elements of the flagship project in order to increase efficiency. As a basis for the intended developments and solutions, the existing results of projects funded by the BMWK and possibly other projects will be used. The "ForeSight" platform is the centrepiece of the programme and is supposed to be further developed in the form of the "ForeSightNEXT" flagship project.

A results-oriented, two-way transfer of technology and knowledge between the satellite projects and the flagship project is essential for the overall success of the programme. The task of the satellite projects is to implement and test their own use cases as prototypes. Among other things, the flagship project provides the technical platform as a basis. For their part, the satellite projects are to introduce new components and services to the platform in order to expand the application possibilities of other partners.


ForeSightNEXT takes on a blueprint function as the flagship project in the SmartLivingNEXT funding call. It supports the research projects in the funding call in integrating their intelligent services into the SmartLivingNEXT ecosystem. The basic principles developed in the flagship project will be made available via the SmartLivingNEXT Dataspace and the SmartLivingNEXT Toolbox and tested for their practical suitability in two use cases. The project remit also includes the development of a governance structure and the evaluation of suitable business models that support a sustainable, viable smart living ecosystem.


The aim of GAiST is to use modern technologies in order to enable elderly people to lead a self-determined life in old age, regardless of their need for care: for a better quality of life, safety and care efficiency. To this end, homes will initially be equipped with smart living technology and telemedical measurement systems for vital data. The project also aims to develop a health platform for processing the data generated by these applications. This not only enables low-threshold access to relevant health data by medical staff and relatives – the data also forms the basis for the (further) development of smart living services, systems and components for age-appropriate living.


ExpliCareNEXT focuses on simplifying care processes through digital artificial assistance, which enables unskilled workers to perform high-quality care activities. The project is intended to counteract the growing shortage of skilled labour in Germany.


BIM-4-CARE uses digital technologies to improve the living environment of people in need of care. It aims to help them avoid or delay a transfer from their own home to a care home for as long as possible. For the first time, BIM-4-CARE uses modern technologies such as helmet camera systems, a robot dog and artificial intelligence to record the living environment and the condition of the person concerned. This data then provides the basis for a care living space model that can plan and organise individual care better and more easily. In addition, it promotes a higher level of independence and quality of life for people in need of care.


FAME4ME aims to research and improve the utilisation of energy applications and energy sources in buildings with the help of artificial intelligence, especially in the face of current price fluctuations and geopolitical uncertainties. Based on user behaviour, the project is developing customised energy services that are dynamically generated with AI support to increase flexibility in the energy system and reduce electricity supply costs. A user-friendly app provides an AI-supported, intuitive visualisation of generation and consumption forecasts and price signals for electricity use. Additionally, it is supposed to provide individualised recommendations for action.


The DuITeasy project solves the problem of fragmentation and incompatibility of digital offerings for living and residential environments. It aims to create an open, interoperable ecosystem based on the ForeSightNEXT reference architecture for lifelong assistance services. That way, DuITeasy enables the seamless integration of different data sources and services while maintaining a high level of data privacy. Therefore, the project us using two fields of application and several use cases as examples and testing them in the innovation park "DudoPark" as well as at the “GIU - Gesellschaft für Innovation und Unternehmensförderung mbH” in Saarbrücken.


COMET solves the problem of the monopolisation of smart living data. Data is the prerequisite for the development of AI-based intelligent services that can tackle social challenges such as the increasing demand for resources and energy. The development of COMET with the corresponding modules “COMET Connect” and “COMET Personal Data Market” is intended to give users more control over their data and, at the same time, to give companies access to high-quality data for AI-based innovations. This will increase the attractiveness and scope of the SmartLivingNEXT Data Space and provide all participating companies with responsible access to a wide range of real user data. At the same time, users receive added value, such as tips on how to save energy, for providing their data and can decide for themselves what happens to their data.