
The aim of the "SmartLivingNEXT" technology programme is to create and establish a universal, AI-based ecosystem that puts the development of intelligent and sustainability-oriented smart living services and applications on a new base while also simplifying, accelerating and making them more cost-effective. It is to address as many relevant fields of application as possible in order to illustrate the universality of the ecosystem, which is meant to find broad acceptance in Germany and Europe.

As a basis for the intended developments and solutions, the results of projects already funded by the BMWK and possibly other projects will be used. The platform project "ForeSight - Platform for Context-Sensitive, Intelligent and Predictive Smart Living Services" ( is the centrepiece of the programme.

In addition to the further development of the ForeSight platform as part of the ForeSightNEXT flagship project, the funding is intended for research and development projects – so-called satellite projects – that relate to specific, practical smart living applications and are based on the structural elements of the flagship project in order to increase efficiency.

The task of the satellite projects is to prototype and test their own Use Cases. The flagship project provides the reference architecture, the toolbox and the data space, among other things. For their part, the satellite projects are to contribute new components and services to the platform in order to expand the application possibilities of other partners.

Based on the standards of the European GAIA-X initiative, the smart living ecosystem that will emerge over the course of the project is supposed to create the conditions for a data sharing economy for smart living. The technical basis consists of dataspaces, an approach that differs from the established platform economy in some key respects. The core is the largely free exchange of data within the dataspace within the framework of data protection legislation and, if necessary, in a limited form to other dataspaces.