Current topics

Das Bild zeigt Personen auf einer Bühne.

BMWK projects at the Digital Summit 2024

BMWK-funded projects present innovative solutions and pioneering technologies - in panels, demonstrations and exciting discussions on quantum computing, data infrastructures and digital identities.

Coverbild Green Tech

Commencement of Projects in the GreenTech Innovation Competition

A total of 21 projects have embarked on a mission to utilize digital technologies in order to enhance sustainability and simultaneously boost the competitiveness of German and European companies. To support this endeavour, the BMWK has allocated a funding of approximately 75 million euros.


Development of digital technologies

Shaping the digital transformation sustainably - brochure on current technology programmes reissued

Coverbild Broschüre

International cooperation projects

The new brochure is online!

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Cooperation with France on 5G campus networks launched

The first four winning projects from the “5G campus networks” call started with the development of technical solu-tions for private 5G networks and with testing them in various applications.

Transfer Week 2023: Wissenschaft x Wirtschaft

Forum Digital Technologies at the Transfer Week Berlin-Brandenburg 2023.

The Forum appeared for the first time as a partner of the Transfer Week Berlin-Brandenburg, from November 20 - 24, 2023.

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Current technology programmes

With application-oriented technology programmes, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action promotes the development of digital cutting-edge technologies in and for Germany. These programmes address future ICT topics at an early stage and help to accelerate their transfer to industry. Information on the current funding programmes with the projects initiated here can be found in this section.

Current strategic stand-alone projects

Information on currently funded strategic stand-alone projects and international cooperation projects can be found here.

International cooperation projects

The BMWK supports a limited number of bilateral cooperation projects with selected partner countries in the European and international arena. The aim is, on the one hand, to transfer technological developments to foreign application areas and markets and, on the other hand, to use the specific competences of research institutions and companies from the respective partner country in current funding areas for joint activities.

Forum Digital Technologies

Forum Digital Technologies is a networking platform and exhibition space for selected research projects and innovations in the field of digital technologies from Germany.

Competence Network & Label Trusted Cloud

The successful Trusted Cloud technology program has resulted in two follow-up activities supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action: One is the competence network with a marketplace and the label for trustworthy cloud services. The second is the pilot project Data Protection Certification for Cloud Services.

Completed programmes and projects

Information on funding programmes and projects that have already been completed can be found in this section.


  • Cover of the brochure Development of digital technologiesDevelopment of digital technologiesClimate protection, digital transformation, competitiveness of the economy - these and other current challenges are addressed by the "Development of Digital Technologies" unit with its technology programmes. The new edition of the brochure provides an overview of the contribution of the BMWK and the funded projects to the digital transformation.
  • Coverbild BroschüreInternational cooperation projectsThe new brochure features more than 30 international cooperation projects of the BMWK