
BSI 5G/6G Forum

Place: Dresden


With the aim of actively shaping the future of 5G/6G communication technologies, the BSI is organising the 5G/6G Forum in Dresden. The event - part of the BSI's Cyber Security and Digital Sovereignty in 5G/6G Communication Technologies funding programme - is dedicated to key topics of the digital future. Cyber security, digital sovereignty, resilience and certification will be discussed. The forum offers an ideal platform for around 200 participants from the 5G and 6G community, including representatives of 35 projects from the BSI funding programme. Participants can expect a day full of inspiring keynotes, interactive workshops and a wide range of opportunities to exchange information. There will also be the opportunity to network with experts from the industry and discuss the latest developments in the field of 5G/6G cybersecurity. The event will also be made accessible to a broad audience via social media, thus promoting the exchange of innovative solutions in the communication technologies of the future. The DLR Project Management Agency will offer an information stand on various funding opportunities.

Agenda and free registration at https://www.cybersicherheit-bsi.de/forum-2024/