Legal certainty for the use of 5G private networks in the manufacturing industry
A current legal opinion confirms that the innovative approaches of the 5G++ FlexiCell research project are not only technically feasible, but also fulfil the applicable legal requirements. The document highlights the requirements of relevant laws and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for use cases in the field of Industry 4.0.
The 5G++ FlexiCell research project is tackling one of the key challenges of modern industrial manufacturing and automation technology: the introduction and utilisation of 5G wireless technology as a private campus network in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). However, many companies face specific obstacles to fully utilising the potential of 5G. One major hurdle is the perceived legal uncertainty, as not all of the legal framework conditions for new technologies have yet been defined.
"In the scenarios considered by FlexiCell, we are not a telecommunications provider, but at one point or another it can quickly happen that we become one." - Prof Dr Stephan Ludwig, Professor for "Components of Digital Technologies" at Aalen University of Applied Sciences (Aalen University), Project Manager 5G++ FlexiCell
The presented report examines the relevant legal framework conditions that are relevant for the implementation of the nomadic 5G++ FlexiCell and its use cases. In addition to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), this includes the Telecommunications Act (TKG), which regulates frequency allocation by the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA), the Telecommunications Digital Services Data Protection Act (TDDDG) and the BSI Federal Office for Information Security Act.
The expert opinion ensures that the innovative approaches developed in the project are not only technically feasible, but can also fulfil the applicable legal requirements. This includes:
- the smart transport container with 5G radio and 5G localisation for Track & Trace;
- the Autonomous Guided Vehicle (AGV) with robotic arm as a mobile manipulator;
- the mobile quality measuring cell with integrated 5G++ FlexiCell and edge computing functions.
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