German-Austrian project D-TRAS represented with article and presentation at AMCIS-2022
The German-Austrian project D-TRAS participated with an article and presentation at the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) in August. The AMCIS is one of the most important conferences for information systems of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) and this year's theme was "innovative research informing practice".
Despite continuous improvements in road and vehicle safety, road accidents still pose a significant risk. Reducing road accidents is therefore included in the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (UN). Road accidents often occur in specific areas. Therefore, a briefing before driving on a route could help drivers to know the danger spots and to drive more carefully and attentively at these spots. Using a design-oriented research approach, the D-TRAS team developed a concept of how briefings for traffic-related hazards can be designed. An exemplary web application was also developed for this purpose.
In their article and talk, D-TRAS presented the application and further findings.
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