Virtual welcome of a British delegation on the topic of artificial intelligence
On the 2nd of December, the Forum Digital Technologies had the pleasure to welcome a British delegation on the topic of artificial intelligence. Due to Covid-19, the meeting took place virtually.
Thereby, British delegates could gain a deeper insight into the German AI strategy as well as into the funding programmes of the division “Development of Digital Technologies” of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. The presentations of AIQNET, SPAICER and PlanQK offered a concrete insight into the practical application of these funding programmes. The meeting has been organized by the Forum Digital Technologies, the DLR, Innovate UK and the British Consulate General Munich. Furthermore, representatives from the Alan Turing Institute, Digital Catapult, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and the Berlin Institute for the Foundations of Learning and Data (BIFOLD) participated in the exchange. For both sides, the exchange yielded valuable insights into the other party’s research areas as well as into potential fields for forthcoming cooperation.
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