Benchmarking for quantum computing - Recommendations for action for an application-oriented ideal benchmark

Study commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) within the framework of the mandated accompanying research for the technology program „Quanten-Computing – Anwendungen für die Wirtschaft“.

Titelbild Benchmarking Studie
Titelbild Benchmarking Studie

Quantum computing is being intensively researched to find out whether it is more efficient than classical computing in some instances. There are potential use cases where quantum computing could offer an advantage. The development of benchmarks and tools to certify and characterise quantum computers is crucial to ensure performance in the NISQ era dominated by fault-tolerant quantum computers. There are a variety of benchmarks and it is important to understand the hardware and software parameters in order to interpret the results correctly. Benchmarks and benchmark research should follow a clear objective, i.e. evaluate practical problems that correspond to the real challenges faced by users and assess the scalability of solutions. To this end, we have developed this overview paper together with the experts from the nine funded projects as part of the programme support for the BMWK technology programme „Quanten-Computing - Anwendungen für die Wirtschaft”. It provides an initial overview of three different benchmark types and corresponding benchmark metrics used in the projects. In addition, the benchmarks were evaluated on the basis of seven criteria and recommendations for optimising the benchmarks were given.