
Lifelong assistance platform based on an open federated data and services ecosystem and smart metering systems

Brief description
The DuITeasy project solves the problem of fragmentation and incompatibility of digital offerings for living and residential environments. It aims to create an open, interoperable ecosystem based on the ForeSightNEXT reference architecture for lifelong assistance services. That way, DuITeasy enables the seamless integration of different data sources and services while maintaining a high level of data privacy. Therefore, the project us using two fields of application and several use cases as examples and testing them in the innovation park "DudoPark" as well as at the “GIU - Gesellschaft für Innovation und Unternehmensförderung mbH” in Saarbrücken.

Challenge and innovation

As people get older, the likelihood of physical limitations increases and with it the need for support in everyday life and living. There are already many digital systems and service offerings on the market that improve safety in homes, make everyday tasks easier and increase individual comfort. Data is generated in many places, but is rarely used for intelligent, cross-organisational and user-centric services. Standardised data and easy-to-use access to that data are prerequisites for better integrated, customisable smart services in the environment of homes, buildings, neighbourhoods and innovation parks. Thus, they also enable greater energy efficiency, sustainability, safety, self-determination and health for residents and users.

A large number of digital services for living and residential environments already exists today. However, they are not interlinked, but form self-contained digital services that cannot be seamlessly combined with others. The aim of the Du2ITeasy satellite project is to create an open, interoperable ecosystem for innovative, intelligent and adaptive lifelong assistance services. This includes the development of an Assistance Dataspace (ADS), which enables the combination of various data sources from the living environment and the development of everyday assistance services. The project integrates networked sensors, devices, ordering systems, delivery services and smart home data to create a consistent and customisable range of interlinked services. DuITeasy utilises the ForeSightNEXT reference architecture and is based on GAIA-X principles. It therefore fulfils high IT security and data protection requirements. The project also realises assistance services ranging from activity recognition to complex, AI-supported emergency recognition and home emergency call functionalities. Two existing systems are being connected to the ADS and advanced for the development and operation of individual services (the DuDo system and the DuDo app for the area of everyday assistance, and the easierLife system for the area of activity and emergency recognition). Various AI methods are used to implement the services. The federated ecosystem architecture creates a modular and customisable service offering that provides a blueprint for other data spaces, e.g. for buildings or neighbourhoods.

Application and benefits

  1. The function of the ecosystem is tested using two fields of applications as examples.
  2. The everyday assistance application area comprises the following use cases:
  3. Heat protection: The heat load is measured and forecast. If necessary, advance warnings and/or possible countermeasures are issued.
  4. Smart heating: The installation of heat meters and smart thermostats enables efficient heating control. This not only contributes to energy savings, but also to comfort for residents. It includes adaptive heating control and the demand-controlled switching off of heating systems based on learnt warm-up and cool-down phases.
  5. Augmented reality: AR technologies are used to visualise (live) energy and consumption data, virtual neighbourhood tours, and other factors.
  6. Smart booking: Intelligent meeting room booking with smart access (and subsequent cancellation) enables automatic heating and timely cooling (see Smart Heating) as well as smart activation for drinks and food delivery.
  7. Parking management: Solutions are being developed to optimise parking management in urban areas. This can include the installation of sensors to record car park availability and the provision of real-time information for users.

The activity and emergency detection application area comprises the following use cases:

  1. Lifelong assistance: The focus lies on lifelong (growing) homes with a combination of electricity/consumption data and sensor technology. A multi-stage detection cascade is implemented that covers various degrees of assistance. This ranges from detection by means of data analysis to combination with classic home emergency call systems and additional sensor technology.
  2. Early detection of problems: This solution detects changes in everyday behaviour at an early stage in order to identify potential problems or risks. This enables proactive support and the provision of additional assistance services.

Project partners

Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (Kognitive Assistenzsysteme), Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (Gesundheitswesen), STROMDAO GmbH, DudoPark GmbH & Co. KG, co.met GmbH

Consortium leader

easierLife GmbH

Contact person

easierLife GmbH

Florian Böhle

30 months