Digital Transformation of Circular Economy for Industrial Sustainability

In today’s industrial landscape, value creation follows a linear approach that culminates with the consumer. The pursuit of continuous economic growth conflicts with the need to reduce resources. One solution to this dilemma lies within the circular economy. However, today’s circular strategies often only focus on a single tactic, thereby leaving further potential untapped. To harness the full potential of the circular economy, it is essential to integrate multiple circular strategies simultaneously.

One of the most formidable challenges associated with this is the lack of decision support and the insufficient integration of life cycles and IT systems. Moreover, linear, non-scalable production systems are reaching their limits, thus leading to further restrictions. A comprehensive solution is needed to overcome these obstacles.

The DiCES project was developed to address these shortcomings and create an infrastructure that makes it possible to integrate a variety of recycling strategies. To achieve this objective, the project combines AI models with ecological-economic decision models to enable sustainable value creation.

A central aspect of DiCES is the implementation of a multidimensional circular economy in which various strategies such as re-manufacture, re-furbish, re-use and re-pair are applied simultaneously. The optimal circular economy strategy is selected based on the characteristics of the product and the value creation system. Data-based networking of production and life cycle IT systems is employed to create sustainable added value for customers.

As part of the project, a pilot implementation of the new value creation system is currently underway at Miele’s Gütersloh site. Following a specified period, the Miele appliances will be reconditioned and remarketed. The implementation of the new value creation system will build on digital and networked technologies. One of the key components is a data-driven decision model that enables multi-criteria evaluation to select the ideal circular economy strategy.

DiCES will make a significant contribution to the ecological transformation of the economy by developing a decision model that includes ecological evaluation and by establishing a DIN SPEC for assessing circular economy strategies. The strategic use of IT systems will further support this transformation.


  • FIR e. V., RWTH Aachen University (consortium leader)
  • Machine Tool Laboratory (WZL), RWTH Aachen University
  • Miele & Cie. KG
  • All-for-One Group SE
  • Forcam Enisco GmbH
  • IconPro GmbH
  • Klima.Metrix GmbH


  • Total funds: 8.30 million €
  • Funding amount: 4.90 million €